Ipsita Choudhury
Maharashtra Public School
Our eager children have a real thirst for learning and our excellent staff team are committed and dedicated in ensuring that each and every child achieves. We have high standards and expect the best.
Ipsita Choudhury
Maharashtra Public School
Dear Students
Last session has been really great with MPS sowing seeds and reaping great results for many, many external competitions. In many other areas the school started on its journey of excellence in many untouched, unexplored fields.
The new session brings with it, new opportunities and new challenges; NEP implementation, school cinema, Workshop for students, more training for staff, skill education labs, dedicated sports programs, NCC and many more.
The school hopes to bring in change by implementing many new projects and pushing its boundaries.
The school will focus on quality and continue to develop basic competencies of communication, leadership, STEM learning, Theatre and Visual & Performing Arts.
Our aim is to create a generation of learners who are equipped with 21stcentury life skills.
Dear Parents,
Your role in your child’s life is huge and has life long impact. Survey shows that parents who are involved in day-to-day activities of their wards are able to see better improvement in academics. Attending PTMs regularly, meeting all teachers, participating in all school events is extremely important.
Let 2024-25 be a year of cooperation and collaboration between school &parents for the all-round growth of the students. Let us get more engaged and involved in creating a deep bond of RESPECT between school and home. Wishing you all an engaged, committed and successful year a head.
Ipsita Choudhury
Maharashtra Public School