Message from the President

Mr. Ashok Mundhe

(Ex. Additional Collector) President

Children are innocent and untainted by the ways of the world – ready to soak in, learn and imbibe from the environment that they grow up in. A school plays an important role in building their character. At Maharashtra Public School,we strive to nurture students through quality education as well as value-based teaching and learning.

As we step in to the academic year 2024-25,the implementation of National Education Policy (NEP) will further strengthen our focus on value-based education

The corner stone of our school is Quality; quality in every aspect of scholastic and co-scholastic development of students. Academic excellence alone does not makef or holistic growth.

It has to be supported by a learning environment which enables our students to go beyond the textbook through visits, exposures, seminars, trainings, workshops and mentoring.

MPS strives to become a world-class institution in its quest for quality excellence. The VISION is to create “leaders who will contribute to make the world a better and meaningful place for all”

Let us all join hands and become better and higher version of ourselves. Ireiterate Swami Vivekanand’s words, “Education is not preparation of life education is life itself”

Mr Ashok Mundhe
Ex-Addi. Collector